Mdeii Life - Anand Krishnamoorthi's blog
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How do you know when to take that cigarette break ...
LOLtamz: I'm in UR heartlandz
The standard excuse for boring essays on blogs—Goi...
Could be purely anecdotal...
Set fucking Max!
The Zimmers are talkin' about my gegege-neration!
Joshua Bell performs on the DC Metro
Kiwi Cup
To Protect the Child
Monday, May 14, 2007
This news items contains triple-antigenic Zeolytes for optimal moisturation
What the fuck are they talking about?
Comments to This news items contains triple-antigenic Zeolytes for optimal moisturation
Looks almost like one of your parody posts.
posted by VikramAdith
yes with MET tagging and reedeting, this 'service' they have come up with will be a great disservice to the Digital Assert Maangement market.
posted by Escape.... Great Escape