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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Why do you like The Godfather?
Due to pressures from family-type groups and other like sources, I have for once decided to write something new in my life that is not about either sex or alcohol.
At first I wanted to write about my cat, but I guess academic considerations and the awe-inspiring tensile strength of my Jansport bag's straps force me to write something else instead.
I have just made a rather rewarding trip to my very good Uni library and have subsequently put my back and my bag under considerable physical stress. The Autumn Term is over, but this only means that essays and portfolios are to be handed in on opening day of Spring Term (I cannot imaging why they call it that - most of it is actually in the Winter).
For my only theoretical unit, on practical criticism of fictional films, I have taken to reading all possible books: From Andre Bazin to Pauline Kael. But I need your help too, kind readers.
Those who know me pretty well will definitely find my choice of film to be rather predictable. But hey! I would never miss out on a chance to talk or write about The Godfather, Plus it would fetch me quite a few credits for my MA.
So you are hereby granted the privilege of being in the hallowed company of Bazin and Kael in assisting me in my essay. Just leave your thoughts about The Godfather(1972) - the movie, or anything else that has to do with it (links maybe?) as a comment to this post. Thanks!
Comments to Why do you like The Godfather?
Godfather is a very male chauvinist movie which isn't a let down at any point. Now in the movie "You got Mail " there's an instance when Hanks say "it has all the answers to all the questions you want in life" . The truth is that at a point in the movie (when i say the movie i mean the triology) one would start identifying with the role which makes it almost the best thing.
Now I would love it for the mixture of war methods used throughout the world. I think it's the quality of the script and it's almost perfect importance provided to each role is what would make me watch it without fail every weekend.
"Despite the likes of SERPICO, DOG DAY AFTERNOON, SCARFACE, ...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, and SCENT OF A WOMAN on his resume, Pacino is best remembered for the role he created in THE GODFATHER (and subsequently
reprised in two sequels). While this is not his most demonstrative performance--indeed, he is exceptionally restrained--the quality of the script makes Michael Corleone notable."
you might wanan chk this too.. and to make you feel good i have the DVD (first time original DVD for the triology)
posted by Ari
Thanks man!
posted by Anand
The Godfather was truly a godfather - to other movies that "pay homage" to it. Nayakan, Billa, The current Bombay films on the family.
Will that be of help?
posted by Ravages/CC
Background Score, Editing, Casting, the "Feel Good".
posted by Nilu
The Godfather is a true master peice. One of the best movies ever made on the Cosa Nostra - organized crime syndicate or the Mafia.
I loved the way ShopGirl put it elegantly - What is it with men and The Godfather???
The movie had som much production problems and casting issues the end it became Paramount films greatest hit.
Although Al Pacino never won an oscar for his tremendous performance , his portrayal of Mike certainly puts him as one of the best actors of all time.
Some of my favorite scenes include , the shooting at the restaurant , the incident at the toll plaza , the beating up of Carlo , the baptism , the death of appolonia , death of Tessio , the incident with Moe Greene , the head of the horse .....ah...the list keeps going on and on.
The impresive use of dark photography over the entire movie ...makes me wonder ...whether Mani's affection for shooting most of his movies in the dark was indeed inspired by Coppola??
What is of interest also is what Sollazzo says to Mike in the restaurant in the presence of sub titles....a good directorial touch...but still confusing....
All in all I just love this movie and could keep writing on and on...but shall stop !!!
Anonymous Fan of The God Father
posted by Anonymous
hey anand...
When I think of Godfather what strikes me without fail is that the film is meditative in nature while the book is racy. I have always thought it ends up being the other way round. That's why some people don't like the movie as much as they like the book-they say it lacks in thrills.
Why do I like the movie? I am not able to say. I expected to like the movie by the time I came around to see it. I too felt that the movie was slow moving and actually hadn't expected such a measured pace given the prose it derives from. My portions I vividly remember I can't recollect exactly where they belong-
1. the last scene in Godfather 3, Al Pacino old in age falls from his chair and has only a dog for company
2. the opera climax again in GF3
3. ofcourse the italian interludes
4. Sonny getting killed
5. Marlon Brando's first murder
6. The revenge sequence during the church ceremony for Michael's nephew (the climax of GF1?)
I am ofcourse leaving out a few everyone's favorites.
Also I have never been able to understand what was great about Marlon Brando's performance in the movie
I loved the soundtrack, the settings...
Eventually the biggest reason I like the movie could be that undescribable atmosphere of the movie, imagined or real, that lingers in my mind.
posted by Anonymous
anand mundhina post naan thaan, maheshc.
posted by Anonymous
You've all missed what I think is the main point of the film, at least as far as Coppola was concerned: it was not a mob film. And I can't believe anyone would mention Godfather III, which was a travesty and an insult to the memory of the first two.
The character/actor that stands out most to me is not Pacino's Michael, but DeNiro's young Vito. It established him as the greatest actor of his age. Just incredibly brilliant. Full stop.
For another perspective, watch Hou Hsiao-hsien's A City of Sadness, a Taiwanese film, which reminds me a lot of The Godfather, at least from a technical aspect.
Anyway, no need for pontification, Godfather I and II are both beautiful films. Coppola was easily the greatest American film-maker of his day.
posted by Prince Roy
Guess i am a random. I saw someone mention ur blog in anti's(superstarksa) blog.. and about the Godfather.. wonderful comments on the godfather here :)
I loved the last but one scene in god father three.. where michael kneels down and cries when his daughter Mary is killed.. and the way Kay looks at him..
One strange scene i liked was when the boy Vito Corleone settles in a chair inside his quarantine room and starts singing to himself.. donno why.. but i like it a lot!
my two pence..
posted by Koushik V S
"A man who doesn't spent his time with his family can't never be a real man."
posted by Pandam