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Friday, October 13, 2006
Coding Tamil wanted
My previous request resulted in some wise-cracks, and nothing much else. Now since you guys've been so readily unhelpful as regards my romantic pursuits, I only hope a request of a more professional nature would yield some proper results.
I am basically looking for a coder-type person/persons to Tamilify a very exciting and terribly useful open-source application. This might involve some serious and committed work, and I am not techy-enough to explain the time and effort it might take.
Bottom-line: Is there good money in it? Not with the project directly (The app is freely distributed and open-source - though the guys promise a T-shirt). But, apart from the obvious political mileage to be drawn from sindifying sweat, blood and other sundry bodily fluids for the sake of the mother-tongue, you will also receive the unqualified gratitude of a very powerful and reasonably "well-to-do" industry.
Apply herein!
Comments to Coding Tamil wanted
which open source app you want to Tamilify ? can you give links to the app ?
posted by Anonymous
Saravanan: Thanks for your interest. Check this out! Celtx Wiki
posted by Anand
Sounds like genearating the "dtd" and "properties" file will suffice to produce a translation. This should be doable without being a techie. Anyone who has knowledge of both Tamil and English (like you for instance) should be able to generate these files from their templates using a simple text editor(like notepad for instance).
Need more help?
posted by Anonymous
Yep. Like Siddharth said all you need is the knowledge of Tamil and English.
Check the celtx.dtd file in English and French.
Copy the entire French file to a notepad. Compare it with the English file - Notice where the French words occur and just replace them with the Tamil equivalent. Save the .txt file as celtx.dtd and submit the completed file. Repeat same process for the file also.
sappa matter.. idhukku geek aa irukkanum nu avasiyame illa..
Let me know if you need further assistance.
posted by Anonymous
kalarkala anand.
naan oru chota who started with
paathuttu sollumaa
posted by Anonymous
Make sure that the coder can write intelligible Tamil. Most of these open source guys butcher Tamil in Linux and other apps.
posted by Anonymous
Hi there. Chanced upon your blog a few days ago and been reading ... wanted to ask you something ... are you an only child ? You don't have to answer if you don't want to! Cheers :-)
posted by Anonymous