Anand Fadeout

Mdeii Life - Anand Krishnamoorthi's blog

Monday, November 03, 2003

Thought for food
The two days my parents were out of town, I tried my hand at cooking. Ok! No great stuff, just rice and curds and all others worth eating. But it was quite a bit for my rather drab mornings: boiling the milk, washing the rice, putting it in the cooker wondering if there was enough water and let it cook long enough for the cooker to make the right puffing sounds, but not too long that it becomes porridge... you know, the works. Then taking out the cooked stuff without burning myself, performing the neyvedhyam, feeding the crows. Then closing up everything and leaving home wondering in class if I remembered to turn off the gas.
Now that�s not it, getting back home to eat the semi cooked stuff I�ve made; and the worse part that it is now cold. Reheat thanks to the micro and get some podi out of the fridge. Microwave appalams and deepavali murukku and mixture to go with it. Take the little remaining milk out of the fridge heat it a little and curdle it. (The curd tastes great!) And then hit the sack.
And you know what? I like it!
I�ve been doing my own washing for some years now, add cooking to that, I�ve been pretty OK �domesticated�.

8:53 pm



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