Mdeii Life - Anand Krishnamoorthi's blog
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Major philosophy You thought I had only one PJ for...
Show business The media world is all about storyte...
PJ Did you hear about the web designer who went to...
Alotsaclasses For any fan of hectic academics, tod...
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Saturday night fever Today I seem to talk only abo...
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
I was also thinking of what makes a good showman. I think that beyond a point, the medium looses its relevance and only the message gets through. At other times I feel that this dichotomy of medium Vs message itself does not exist because the most poetic of messages are medium specific. Therefore all I can say about the showman is that he or she has to make sure that the technicality of grasping the medium is to be done away with. The showman has to know the use of as many different media as possible in order to not let the medium overwhelm the meaning. Plus from what I see of media people today, knowledge of other media also makes one sensitive to the travails of another.
Ok! That�s enough bullshit for one day!
You know? Voluntary self-abasement is also a trait of a showman